”«Lui» non sta in silenzio” “Ashkan Khatibi: È la mia storia, mentre provavo ho avuto attacchi di panico”
Iran, Ashkan Khatibi on Sky TG24: "Revolt made up of small gestures" by rolla scholarly Read the main interview here
Iranian tragedy Ashkan Khatibi's cry for freedom against the oppression of the Islamic Republic By Alexander Dowlatshahi Read the main interview Here
Lui, di Ashkan Khatibi Ashkan Khatibi lived like a king. So he told us, before waking up from the sleep of reason that had now become a nightmare. He woke up to the cry of Woman, Life, Freedom. Already the first shocks to her security had come from the green movement that had preceded the women's rebellion,…
Ashkan Khatibi brings the violence of the Iranian regime to the stage: "This evening is dedicated to my mother who will be in the hall for the first time" Ashkan Khatibi brings the violence of the Iranian regime to the stage: "This evening is dedicated to my mother who will be in the hall for…
He. Ediz. Italian and Persian A cell. A character. Inquisitors who follow one another to carry out an interrogation. They want a confession. By hook or, above all, by crook. They cajole and threaten: who are they facing? A human rights activist, a teenager, a young sportsman, a child, an actress, a student, a rapper,…
اجرای کنسرت- نمایش «ده سال تنهایی» به نویسندگی و کارگردانی اشکان خطیبی لغو شد. به گزارش خبرگزاری خبرآنلاین، طبق آنچه روابط عمومى گروه راک دِ پن اعلام کرده است، اجرای كنسرت - نمایش «ده سال تنهايى» به نويسندگى و كارگردانى اشكان خطيبى به دلایلی که امکان ذکر آن نیست، لغو شد. این کنسرت - نمایش…